Published Topics
  • /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
    • velocity command
  • ~<name>/candidate_trajectories (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)
    • candidate trajectories
    • for visualization
  • ~<name>/finish_flag (std_msgs/Bool)
    • this flag is true when the robot reaches the goal
  • ~<name>/predict_footprints (visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)
    • predicted footprints on selected trajectory
    • for visualization
  • ~<name>/selected_trajectory (visualization_msgs/Marker)
    • selected trajectory
    • for visualization

Subscribed Topics

Necessary topics

  • /local_map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
    • robot-centered costmap
    • the cells with an occupancy probability of 100 are considered as obstacles
  • /move_base_simple/goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
    • goal pose
  • /odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
    • robot's odometry

Optional Topics

  • /dist_to_goal_th (std::msgs::Float64)
    • distance threshold to the goal for judging the goal is reached
    • If you want to change the distance threshold to the goal from the default value, publish the distance to this topic
  • /scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
    • laser scan data
    • Default input is /local_map
    • If laser scan is used, set USE_SCAN_AS_INPUT to true
  • /footprint (geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped)
    • robot footprint
    • If robot footprint is used, set USE_FOOTPRINT to true
    • footprint_publisher node in amsl_navigation_utils repository publishes rectangular footprint
  • /path (nav_msgs/Path)
    • a part of the global path (edge)
    • for path cost
    • Default evaluation does not use path cost
    • If path cost is used, set USE_PATH_COST to true
      • Give a part of the global path (edge)
  • /target_velocity (geometry_msgs/Twist)
    • target velocity of the robot

autogenerated on Thu May 9 2024 01:28:03